Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Ayurveda Medicines: Neem Brush Protects Cavities

Use Neem Brash, for Strong Teeth and Gums:

Use Neem twig brush daily for healthy teeth and gums

Whenever use brush use a Neem brush. If you don't have a Neem tree then you can also plant it in your backyard. Have your family surrounded with Ayurvedic protection. I am laying down the process and advantages of  Neem twig brush.

How to Use it?

Remove the skin or chew well before use
Take a twig from a developed part of the tree. Make sure it is fresh and fit your mouth.
Wash it with plain water.
Chew one end of the twig and remove its skin. Then put it in your mouth.
Hold the other part of the twig and slow rub it vertical to your tooth setting.
Spite the extract.Do it for 5 to 10 minutes.
Wash our mouth. You won't need a mouth freshener for the rest of the day.


Neem possesses high level of Streptococcus mutans which help to kill bacterias.
Neem stimulates the saliva gland of mouth and exhilarates the natural alkaline flow.
The tissues of Neem twig are friendly with the tooth setting and better than a polymer brush.
Moreover, study says a polymer brush, sometimes, contains more bacteria than your mouth.

So, use the Neem and protect your teeth from cavities.

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