Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Happy Life and Social Connection

Everyone wants to be happy. It is probably the highest expected emotion on the world. However it is hard to achieve. There are some theories that ancient people were happier than us. I do agree with that. Even though, happiness had always been hard to find.

Yes! It is true that ancient people were happier because they were better connected to each other than us. It is seen in surveys that person with good social relation is happier than a loner. Ancient people used to know the name and nature of almost every people of their clan. This practice lasted almost to the industrial revolution in west and to the end of colonialism in east and things went changed afterwards.

Stay socially connected
Improve your happiness rating with social connection
After industrial revolution there were more people gathering around the European and American cities, in search of jobs. And, in the east unrest burst as there were changes in political leaderships. In village areas of India and China, it is seen that every resident knows other, even in this modern era. Religious festivals have managed to tie them together. In Europe and America people love to visit the church on Sundays.

We are social media generation. But a social media is not powerful enough to replace a human being. It is seen in biological studies that a lot of things happen when two people meet physically. Numbers of physiological changes and up-downs are observed by researchers at social meetings. There are changes in-
  • Blood pressure,
  • Breathing rate,
  • Harmon secretion,
  • Increased digestion,
  • Increased brain function.

Our body cells do not act as we do. They live in other space-time dimension. They work tremendously faster than us. When two people meet their body cells and organs connect through an invisible path. They try to vibrate in same frequency. And if it suits both of them they might like to meet again.

So keep in touch with your friends, neighborhoods and relatives. Always share a hug when you meet them. Stay socially connected and be happy.

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