Friday, 19 February 2016

Start Your Day with Vastrika


Step- 1
Stay at your posture, sitting on a chair or lying on a bed.
Keep your spine straight.
Next, rest your hands on your knees if you are sitting or keep them beside you while lying.
Try to concentrate between both your eyes.

Vasthika increases oxygen level of  human body up to ten times.

Step- 2
Let start the process. Close your mouth and take a deep breath slowly from your nose.
Try to intake the air into your lungs and not stomach.
Now exhale slowly.
Take another deep breath, as slowly as you can.
Again exhale slowly, try to feel that your breath is taking away all your worries.

Step- 3
Inhale slowly again and exhale slowly.
You can feel the positive energies spreading all over your body.
Negative vibrations are getting out with every breath.
Do it for 5 minutes.
Take rest for a little.


Vasrtika increases the oxygen consumption rte up to ten times higher.
It is good for heart, lungs kidney and liver.
It purifies the blood and extracts impurities from cells.
It helps to create balance between blood flow and nervous system.

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