Monday, 5 September 2016

Do you suffer from ANXIETY issues? ~Let the parallel dimensions HEAL you~

It's very easy to get anxious in this fast world. We barely have time to settle down and rest our muscles and nerves.
But living in a state of fighter flight mode for a long time can be harmful to you. So, every day you should take a 5-minute break to settle down your energies. We can call it 'Self Defragmentation'. This process will help you to save your dimensional energies and from fragmentation.
Do Want to Know More

The Self Defragmentation process is a simple process. It requires no external help. You can do it yourself. The Self Defragmentation process has three parts- 1. the Knowing part, 2. the Doing part and 3. the Feeling part.
So let start-
The Knowing Part: To start the self-defragmentation process you should know about Vayu (the Quantum Energy), 'Prana' (the Subtle Energy) and Swasa (the Physical Energy). These energies are co-related. People get anxious when there is an imbalance in the energies. You can reduce the chances of anxiety issues by controlling the energies. But it is very difficult to control the Vayu and the Prana at first. There is only one way to control the Vayu and the Prana; by controlling your breath (the Physical Energy).
Breathing has three stages
i) Inhaling,
ii) Exhaling,
iii) Holding.
When we get anxious we breath fast. Our heart beat rate increases. If we are able to control our breath then we will be able to control to our subtle and quantum energies and defeat the anxiety.
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2. The Doing Part: Take a break of 5 minutes and practice a simple breathing exercise. You can do it while going to bed or early in the morning. You can even try the process more than once. But make sure that there is less noise; the process requires a lot of concentration. Now let's do the exercise together.
*Settling Your physical energy*
i) Sit or lie down on a suitable pose.Close your eyes and try to settle down. It might take a few minutes to settle down. Do not start the second step before you settle down.
ii) Slowly, take a deep breath and exhale.
ii) Now hold your breath and imagine your spine. Stay in this position as long as you can.
iii) Again inhale slowly and exhale slowly.
iv) Hold your breath outside and concentrate on your spine.
v) While concentrating on your spine visualize the chakras. Imagine that energy is flowing from your spine towards the rest of your body.
vi) Practice this breathing exercise 5 to 7 times.
vii) Now, stop practicing it and breath normally. Do not stop feeling your spine.
viii) Visualize your spine and the flow of energy.
3. The Feeling Part:
ix) Imagine a bluish light is spreading from your spine. The light is cold and calm.
x) Your body is filled with the bluish light. It is very cold.
xi) Your body is cooling down. All your muscles and organs are cooling down.
xii) You are feeling cold.
xiii) You understand that the world is just like a movie. The script is already written. You are just playing your role and nothing else.
xiv) You feel light and peaceful.
If you keep practicing then you will be able to control your breath even in a stressed situation and live a peaceful life.
What Do You Think? Tell Me.
Let me know your reactions. If you face any difficulty then ask me for help and don not forget to share your valuable suggestions.
Thank you.

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