Sunday, 28 February 2016

Kathamrita (Divine Words) 1st Issue

 Jai Jai Shri Ramkrishna

I am abashed with delight that his mightiness has decided to put his lotus feet on my frail fortune that he has decided to arrive in my blog.
I shall try to present my viewers with the divine words of Shri Shri Ramkrishna Paramhangsha dev on a weekly basis. This is the first issue of the series. Let his warmth be won, let his fragrance be smelt.

1st part, Page No. 100

[This I never leaves]

God utters: "The rubbish I destroys with death. Fight thousand times but 'I' never leaves. For you and me the pride of devotee I is better."
"For worshipers, there is the qualified Brahma(the one god). To explain, when he appear within limitation- as a person, with an impression. He listens to the prayers. When you perform orison, it reaches him. You are not Baidantik or Gyani- you are disciples. It's no big deal whether you accept his corporeal existence or not. It is sufficient to have the belief that he is a man- who listens to us, who maintains the creation-destruction-equilibrium, who is the infinity."
"It is easy to get to him through the devotion."

Source: Shri Shri Ramkrishna Kathamrita by Mahendra Gupta.

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